about #freethechi
Years ago, my dad and I started using the phrase, free the chi, to encourage each other to declutter, purge, rotate, tidy up and donate.
Why do I have three can openers? Free the chi!
But I might use the stationary bike for actual exercise one day. Free the chi!
What should I do with all these photos of my ex? Free the chi!
What started as a tongue-in-cheek mantra has become a true affirmation. When you make room for energy to flow in your space, you are inviting ease and abundance into your life.
This is the simple “magic” of feng shui.
For me, feng shui is about intention, intuition and aligning with your personal style and lifestyle.
And fun. What better way to describe seeing improvements in your life from making small changes in your space?
putting the fun in “fung shway”
If the first step of feng shuing is decluttering, you might ask why I include shopping lists and suggestions for things to acquire?
I love lists and buying guides. My favorite features in shelter magazines are the interior designer and style maker reveals of their go-to items, paint colors, artists and boutiques. I rarely make a purchase, but I sure enjoy perusing a well curated collection of Must-Haves. I can’t be the only one who finds this fun. Look how popular this type of post is on Pinterest.
So, to get my own list fix and possibly feed yours, I’ll be gathering ideas for enhancing your space based on feng shui principles and affordable finds – locally in Memphis, in places I travel and online as well.
I’ve read many books on feng shui (yes, I’ve made a list of favorites), and in 2015 I studied with Tisha Morris of Earth Home and learned a ton about feng shui elements and aligning with your home’s energy. It will be fun to combine this knowledge with my excitement of finding well-designed, feng shui friendly items where you might least expect them.
Stop by for ideas on how to
- treat yourself to things that make you happy AND improve your flow
- rearrange what is already in your home, home office, yard or car
- replace broken or energy-drain items with intention
- give meaningful gifts to friends who want to feng shui (whether they know it or not)
But First, Free the Chi!
about me
I come by clutter naturally. I was born to a family of collectors, savers and stocker uppers. (You should see my collection of decluttering books.) Intellectually, I know that clearing space in your home opens up opportunities in your life. I have plenty of my own examples of the magic of this energy flow. From increased synchronicity after organizing the attic to found money after scrubbing the fridge, there have been many times I have enjoyed the benefits of clearing and cleaning.
So why is it so hard to keep going? Why do so many of us resist making space for abundance?
The simple answer is, it is a practice.
the practice of feng shui
You don’t have to be a minimalist to benefit from feng shui. There is a place for those of us who like stuff. Just start practicing placing your stuff with purpose. Practice owning it with intention.
Practice noticing how you feel when you enter your home.
Practice observing what makes a room feel right.
Practice seeing clutter instead of looking past it.
Practice making small changes to your environments with big intention.
Practice forgiving yourself for succumbing to resistance.
Practice applying feng shui principles whenever and wherever you feel moved.
Don’t be surprised when something happens.
Laura McArtor
Memphis, TN
p.s. When I’m not practicing feng shui, you can find me designing clutter-free websites for micro businesses and startups. Let me know if I can help you free some chi in your home, office or website.